International Insurance Company N.V. is registered in the Curaçao Chamber of Commerce & Industry under number 102716

The company is also registered in the Bonaire Chamber of Commerce & Industry under number 6052

  • Trade name: International Insurance Company N.V / SaBeé Insurance
  • Legal form: Limited Liability Company (Curaçao) – Foreign legal entity with head office abroad (Bonaire)
  • Business License: Active
  • Business License #: 1435/2012 (Curaçao) – 2017002966 (Bonaire)
  • Statutory seat: Curaçao
  • Date of incorporation: August 29, 2007
  • Date last amendment: August 31, 2015
  • Date established: August 29, 2007
  • Date registered: December 6, 2016. (Bonaire)
  • Nominal Capital: 30,000 shares with a nominal value of Antillean Guilder 100
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is equal to the calendar year
  • Address CW: Piscaderabaai Z/N, World Trade Center Curaçao
  • Address BQ: Kaya Grandi 8, kralendijk – Bonaire
  • Countries: Netherlands Antilles and Internationally


  1. To conclude and to execute insurance agreements, with the exception, however, of life insurance agreements. If and at any time the law and/or the acquired Licenses should permit that the corporation concludes life insurance agreements said agreements may also be entered into.
  2. The corporation is authorized to perform everything requisite or profitable to the accomplishment of its purpose or incidental thereto or connected therewith in the widest sense of the word.



Carmelo Vittorio De Stefano. Ph.D.
Statutory director
Title description: Managing Director (Curaçao & Bonaire)

Carmelo has a strong background in corporate leadership as Chief Executive Officer of the World Trade Center Curacao (2014-2020) and Chief Financial Officer of CBA television (2006-2014) and was an intern and eventually an associate at the legal department of CA de Seguros la Internacional in Caracas Venezuela. Carmelo received a master’s degree in business administration, UoP (2009) and a Master’s degree in Media & Communications, Caribbean International University (2010).

Carmelo has a background in law where he studied at Universidad Santa Maria (2003). He also has a certificate in assets investments from Columbia University and received his Ph.D. in education in 2018 from the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador.


Vittorio De Stefano Vivenzio Ph.D.
Statutory director
Title description: Managing Director (Curaçao)

Vittorio is an experienced entrepreneur and knowledgeable investor with businesses in the Caribbean and the United States. He has more than thirty years of experience as a consultant in the insurance and finance industries, business owner, politician and professor and faculty member. Through his business experience, he has proven success in starting and growing companies from start-up to millions in annual sales through effective business planning and management. As an active manager, Vittorio works directly in each level of management to address crises, direct budgeting, and supervise operations. His experience in business, finance, politics, and education makes him an integral leader to address IIC’s sustainability and growth.

Vittorio earned his Ph.D. in Finance from the Universidad Santa Maria (Venezuela, specialization in Banking Management and bachelor’s degrees in Accounting and Economics.


Fausto Maria Ventriglia Ph.D.
Function: Statutory director
Title description: Managing Director (Bonaire)

Fausto has more than 25 years of experience in the insurance and banking industry. He has worked in key positions for FIAT car manufacturers in India, Egypt and Italy both in plant management and business planning. He has held high positions as Board member, Director, President, and founder of a number of prestigious institutions in Europe such as ViaSat (Italy), Photonike Capital (France) and European small caps trading (Luxemburg)

Fausto attended Federico II University where he obtained the degree of aeronautical engineer with Cum Laude honors and has a master’s in Finance administration from INSEAD University.


Néstor Antonio Herrera. Architect, MBA
Function: Statutory Supervisory Board (President) – (Curaçao – Bonaire)

Nestor is one of the founding Board members of IIC since 2008, he is an architect and has extensive graduate studies in Business and Finance, he has held director positions in several Holding and investing groups in the Caribbean and South America as well as key positions in mayor corporate providers of refined oil and construction. Nestor has been involved for the last 10 years in the financial and banking industry and has a specialized understanding of Risk management and financial planning.


Nelson Genaro Navarro. Esq.
Function: Statutory Supervisory Board (Secretary) – (Curaçao – Bonaire)

Nelson is an attorney at law from the University of Leiden (Netherlands) and has studies in legal businesses. He held the position of Minister of Justice for the government of Curacao from 2013 until 2017, and he was a former member of the states (former Netherlands Antilles). Nelson has a broad experience as a litigator as main partner in personal and institutional legal firms. Nelson has an indisputable experience in compliance with regulators and Integrity.

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